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Archives: Events

Self-Care for HR

Zoom Virtual Event
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Let’s face it, last year was a rollercoaster of emotions and very stressful at times (our fingers are crossed for a better 2021). For some of us we are still working additional and odd hours covering for the people who have departed, or our homes have become a place for EVERYTHING, some never left work […]


Technical Skills: Auditing the HR Function

Zoom Virtual Event
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Attendees with learn how to audit their internal HR functions including policies, procedures, and record keeping. HR has a form for everything right!  An audit determines if there is alignment of policies and procedures with actions and documentation (forms).  Does your HR function have everything it needs?  How do you know?  You audit.  We will […]


HR Lunch Bunch: Retaining Employees – especially those from underrepresented or marginalized groups

Zoom Virtual Event
Virtual Event Virtual Event

2021 shall go down in history as a year when America saw a huge defection in its workforce.  In September alone, over 4 million workers resigned.  Named “The Great Resignation,” this phenomenon is a first in history, which is attributed to what the Boston Consulting Group calls a “widening mismatch between the job environment employees […]


Supervisory Short: Reinforcing Accountability

Zoom Virtual Event
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Great managers know that accountability is a cornerstone of successful management. When accountability is not a priority or regularly practiced, blame, complaining, procrastination, and disengagement often follow. Accountability is the guiding principle that defines how we make commitments to one another, how we measure and report our progress, how we interact when things go wrong, […]


HR Top Priorities for Small Business

Zoom Virtual Event
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Businesses require some element of an HR function as soon as they have one employee. However, it’s essential to begin planning for a dedicated HR function early in the business’ development. According to ADP’s Ad Hoc Human Resource Management Study 70 percent of businesses with 5 to 49 employees add HR onto the workload of […]


Technical Skills: Prevention of Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation

Zoom Virtual Event
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Attendees will learn and understand the legal definition of harassment, policies regarding Anti-Harassment, Retaliation and Complaint Procedures. The key to address workplace harassment is to be able to properly identify harassment and how to properly address issues is key to a positive and productive work environment. Participants of this training will learn the legal definitions […]


Technical Skills: Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA): Tips & Tricks to Compliance Success

Zoom Virtual Event
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Do we pay or not pay, overtime? That is the question. The answer is not based on what the organization or employee wants. The answer is found in analysis of the actual work against the duties tests and the salary test. We will cover the legal responsibilities an employer has to ensure in order to […]


Managing Generational Differences

Zoom Virtual Event
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Their differences can be a source of creative strength and a source of opportunity, or a source of stress and conflict. Understanding generational differences is critical to making them work for the organization and not against it. It is critical that we create a workplace of cohesion, mutual respect, and joint effort to be successful. […]


Soft Skills: Self-Awareness

Zoom Virtual Event
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Social-emotional self-awareness means having the ability to understand your thoughts, emotions, and values, as well as knowing how those factors influence your behavior and actions at work. Added to this understanding is the capacity to open-mindedly and realistically assess your strengths and weaknesses while maintaining your confidence, drive, and desire to grow. This course will […]


HR Lunch Bunch: Managing Change

Zoom Virtual Event
Virtual Event Virtual Event

In this virtual lunch hour conversation, Robin Rose will lead a discussion focused on managing as well as leading teams through change. Some of the highlights our conversation will touch on: the inevitable stages of change and different people’s response to these, what leaders can do to normalize and ease the more uncomfortable stages, what […]
