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Archives: Events

Workplace Civility and Etiquette

Zoom Virtual Event

As employees have returned to the workplace after the pandemic employers have noticed challenges with some manners and behaviors from employees. Focusing on eliminating negative behaviors isn’t always enough to create a happy and collaborative workplace. Employees and managers also need to learn what they should do to make their environment a respectful and friendly […]


HR Lunch Bunch: Defining Moments – Eating the Elephant of Employee Experience

Zoom Virtual Event

When you think of a holistic view of employee experience — defined by the perception of the quality of all the experiences we collect at work — changing employees' perceptions can feel like something too enormous to tackle. But as the wise Desmond Tutu once said, "There is only one way to eat an elephant: […]


Supervisory Short: Goal Setting

Zoom Virtual Event

Successful people are often determined, focused, and persistent in going after what they want. Studies illustrate that goal setting can significantly boost productivity and quality of life. Knowing goals also helps leaders to share them with their teams so everyone knows where they are heading. This program will explore goal setting on low-level day-to-day objectives […]


Looking for a Supervisor

Zoom Virtual Event

You have a newly open position for a Supervisor in a department, how are you going to fill the position? If you are like most organizations, you do not already have someone groomed to take over and you have the great tenure vs. talent debate. There is a time to promote employees, and there are […]


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Managing Generational Differences

Zoom Virtual Event

As we know, we have five different generations in the workplace. As more people continue to work as they pass the average retirement age of 65, it will become more common to see this age group in the workplace. In fact, the Population Reference Bureau estimates that the number of Americans aged 65 and older […]


Professional Practices: Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA): Tips and Tricks to Compliance

Zoom Virtual Event

Workplace Application: Attendees will learn how to apply the duties tests and salary tests, along with understanding how to ensure legal compliance. Do we pay or not pay, overtime? That is the question. The answer is not based on what the organization or employee wants. The answer is found in analysis of the actual work […]


Essential Skills: Emotional Intellligence

Zoom Virtual Event

Simply stated, Emotional Intelligence is a set of a competencies that enhance your ability to relate positively to others. According to the World Economic Forum they have added emotional intelligence as one of the top 10 skills needed for success. Recognizing, understanding, and managing emotions at work is critical to success in the workplace for […]


HR Lunch Bunch: Mental Health in Your Workplace

Zoom Virtual Event

Mental Health is a necessity in today's productive workplace. There is so much for HR to consider in the ever-changing environment. Even the 2023 Trends Report from Calm suggests with 67% stating that "everyone is responsible for providing mental health support for stress and anxiousness. This is an all-hands on deck conversation. Kalei McDonald from […]


Professional Practices: HR Records Management

Zoom Virtual Event

Using best business practices to ensure your human resources records are organized and properly retained is part of the foundation for a well-managed organization. Employee records are a vital part of tracking the life cycle of an employee, when were they hired, what position/positions have they held, what is their compensation and additional benefits they […]
