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Archives: Events

Free networking and topic-specific events.

HR Lunch Bunch: The Mental Health Crisis: A Conversation About Workplace Solutions

Zoom Virtual Event
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join us for a conversation about the current state of mental health in the U.S., including insights into the behavioral health landscape, ways to overcome challenges, and positive experiences employers have with solutions. Be prepared for the opportunity to share and collaborate with others, coming away with actionable learning to increase employee wellbeing in your […]


HR Lunch Bunch: What is Registered Apprenticeship? Creating a New Workforce Development Strategy

Zoom Virtual Event
Virtual Event Virtual Event

When you think of apprenticeship--what comes to mind? Is it the trades? Like plumbers and electricians?  What is the difference between internship & registered apprenticeship? Come discuss how your organization can generate net new talent for your organization leveraging registered apprenticeship, what this entails to set up a program (including pitfalls) and best practices to implement a successful program. […]


HR Lunch Bunch: Compensation – Remote and Hybrid Considerations

Zoom Virtual Event
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Every organization is facing changes in the workforce.  What employees want, what organizations can offer, where work is accomplished, and how it is paid.  The hybrid or remote work decision also comes with some common compensation questions.  In this session we will discuss those questions and discuss the considerations each organization should make related to […]


HR Lunch Bunch: Make a People-First Culture a Reality in Your Organization!

Zoom Virtual Event

People keep encouraging companies to be “people-first” in their approach, but we’re not really sure how to make it come to life. Also, we’re not sure how to get Sr. Leadership to buy in to this forward-thinking approach to people. Join us on Wednesday, January 4th, 2023, to hear from Steve Browne, Chief People Officer […]


HR Lunch Bunch: Defining Moments – Eating the Elephant of Employee Experience

Zoom Virtual Event

When you think of a holistic view of employee experience — defined by the perception of the quality of all the experiences we collect at work — changing employees' perceptions can feel like something too enormous to tackle. But as the wise Desmond Tutu once said, "There is only one way to eat an elephant: […]


HR Lunch Bunch: Mental Health in Your Workplace

Zoom Virtual Event

Mental Health is a necessity in today's productive workplace. There is so much for HR to consider in the ever-changing environment. Even the 2023 Trends Report from Calm suggests with 67% stating that "everyone is responsible for providing mental health support for stress and anxiousness. This is an all-hands on deck conversation. Kalei McDonald from […]


HR Lunch Bunch: Conscious Company Culture

Zoom Virtual Event

Famous business strategist, Peter Drucker, once said "Culture eats strategy for breakfast." So often businesses focus more intently on building sound strategy—plans, policies, procedures—and allow the culture building to just […]


HR Lunch Bunch: Recruiting Solutions for 2023

Zoom Virtual Event

The Great Resignation is far from over and even with some notable layoffs across the country, we are continuing to see a limited candidate pool in most sectors. On a […]


HR Lunch Bunch: The Quiets

Zoom Virtual Event

The “Quiets” I am sure by now you have heard of quiet quitting. My question to you is have you heard of the other quiets – quiet firing, quiet promoting, […]
